Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hair surgeon Beverly Hills - Hair Restoration: Are You Constantly Loosing Too Much Hair

Hair Transplant surgery Los Angeles

A person can lose hair because of heredity, ageing, hormonal changes or trauma. And as the hair thins, one can even grow nostalgic about the good old days when one wasn’t fazed at seeing a few strands of hair in a brush. Today, there is no need to hide under hair pieces or ten gallon hats.

A hair Transplant surgery Los Angeles procedure is effective and efficient. It has come a long way in recent years. Previously, big clumps of hair plugs were inserted into the scalp, leaving the hairline with a corn-row effect. Little rows of hair plugs indicative of hair surgery were evident. Today, hair replacement plugs are quiet different, they are tiny and made of one to two hairs each. This means that after the surgeon has inserted the plugs into tiny slits in the patient’s scalp, the transplants look natural and blend in smoothly with the patients other hair. Hair transplant surgery generally works if the patient has healthy hair growth areas to serve as donor places, meaning the sides and back of the patient’s head need to have some hair from which to “harvest” grafts. If a person is almost completely bald, he probably isn’t a candidate for hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplantation, while simple in context is a fine art that requires experience and technical expertise. A hair surgeon Beverly Hills utilizes the latest technology in the field to turn back the clock and give one back the natural, full looking hair one thought one had lost forever. Hair transplant surgeons are highly qualified and undergo intensive training.

Hair surgeons restore receding hairlines and crowns associated with thinning hair by using the patient’s native hair in a sophisticated hair transplant Los Angeles procedure. No glues, no weaves, no synthetic hair, just the patient’s own naturally growing hair. The recovery is fast; the results last a lifetime and are completely natural and usually undetectable.

A hair restoration Beverly Hills begins with the shaving off of a small area at the back of the head and prepared to be surgically removed. Once this small piece of the patient’s scalp is removed, the area is sutured together. Individual strands of hair are removed and prepared to be surgically planted. Then, tiny incisions are made in the scalp and the harvested strands are gently inserted into them. Sometimes it may take more than one surgical session to achieve the desired fullness; surgery is done under local anesthesia. Recovery is quick and relatively painless.